Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chapter 3 Reflection

1. Every thanksgiving while growing up, my entire family would meet at a lake in Glen Ellyn, Illinois for a morning hike. This tradition started when my Dad was really young with his three other siblings and my grandpa would take the kids out of the hosue so that my grandma could cook and prepare for guests. Even when my Dad and Aunts and Uncles were grown-up and having families of their own, the hike was still very important and a habitual part of our thanksgiving traditions. My grandpa passed away last March so this Thanksgiving we wanted to continue the tradition he started. Instead of driving to the lake in Glen Ellyn, we hiked around the park next to his house where two trees were planted in his honor. With my sisters, my parents, my aunts, uncles, and all my cousins, we took a picture in front of both of my grandfather’s trees. This changed tradition is important to my whole family because its continuing the tradition my grandpa once started and also respects his love for nature and the trees we had planted.

2. The Little 500 is a race that has been existent at IU for a very long time. But recently, it has come to my attention that everyone seems to be increasingly excited and enthused for this ongoing tradition. Every student is aware that the Little 500 takes place in the springtime, and without fail, every year all the students get even more enthused about the race come second semester. Since this race is incredibly vital to the students at IU, I recognize that it has become increasing central in importance to not only me, but the student body in general.

3. My best friend, Brooke, and I were highly involved in the organization, Young Life, all throughout high school. When we were juniors, our Young Life leader, Bethany, decided to create positions within Young Life for students such as us. Since we never missed a Young Life event and demonstrated our love for the Lord, we were asked to be junior student leaders. This meant that we would have responsibilities at Young Life club, be held accountable for our actions, and meet with Bethany once a week and read from the Bible, another book, talk about our faith, and talk about life in general. The best time in all of our schedules to have these meetings was early Friday mornings before school at 5:30 at a local coffee shop. It was a very early time to meet, but it was the best time of my week. We did this every morning for two years and Brooke, Bethany, and I became so close. Since Brooke and I are away at college now, we meet with Bethany over breaks at the same coffee shop, but because we don’t have school, we choose to meet at a later time.

This post is in response to the Chapter Three Reflection questions.