Monday, April 21, 2008

Chapter 7 Reflection

If I had access to endless amounts of time and resources to study and research a project anywhere in the world, I would travel to Uganda, Africa. I definitely would take interest in the orphans who lost their parents due to AIDS. I have a heart and an interest in global poverty and how developing nations suffer without help from industrial nations like the United States. I would study how the kids manage without their parents, the community’s response, and the actions taken to better the lives of the children. It would be interesting to investigate where the United States and its citizens could contribute and help those who do not have the money, resources, or education that is readily available to us. I think that our culture and society has enough compassion for those who suffer across the world, but are unaware of the extent to which they suffer. With my studies, I would hope to return to the US and give accounts of my first-hand experiences and provide information on the African children and ideas of how our nation can help, but also bring it to an individual level. I feel like more people would be willing to help out this cause if the knowledge was presented to them in a convincing manner, which would make my studies worth the while. I would be wishing to decrease ignorance on foreign poverty, bring attention opportunities to make a difference, and possibly bring hope into the lives of African orphans.

This post is in response to the Chapter 7 Reflection.


duthcess2016 said...

Dear Becca,
Hi. I went a head and did my decond peer review on you because it was very inspiring to see someone want to study abroad and take on the problems Uganda, Africa has right now.

If you ever want to e-mail me I loved to hear more of your ideas on this topic.
Diana Lynn..............

Jason Baird Jackson said...

Obviously a worthwhile idea. Professor Cohen in our department teaches courses on related issues.